Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pros And Cons Of Owning An IPhone

The iPhone is incredibly useful, and there are many reasons why so many people want one. Multi-taskers love the iPhone for the ability to customize it, especially given the apps available. Through the following article, you will be able to access all of the power that your iPhone contains.

To dry an iPhone that’s wet, use rice. Oftentimes, cell phones are dropped in puddles or even toilets. Dry your iPhone with a towel as well as possible, then seal it in a bag that has dry rice in it. Once the rice has had several hours to absorb moisture (leaving your phone in the bag overnight is ideal), your phone should be dry again.

You should be sure to update your iPhone each time a new update is available. These updates can give your phone new abilities, as well as fix known bugs and security flaws. This makes sure that any photos or important information are stored on your system in case something goes wrong with your phone.

You can use Safari to just do one tap and make a phone call. Let’s say you want to find a dry cleaner. When you locate the number, there is no need to head to the phone area to dial the number. A simple touch of the number and your call is connected directly to the exact business you searched for.

Do you get too many notifications on your iPhone? Here’s how you can turn them off. Press the Settings button, then press the Notifications bar. Check “In Notification Center” to identify apps that are not currently of use. Better still, removing these unwanted notifications can also extend the battery life of your device.

The iPhone is as popular as it is because it’s an incredibly useful tool. With new apps daily, there are endless customizations for your iPhone. You may need a decent amount of time to discover all of its features. No one uses every single application and feature on the iPhone, but knowing about the options available to you is always a wise choice.

Pros And Cons Of Owning An IPhone


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